Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment on cars is incredibly important. In days of old we used to get ‘the tracking done’ but what most people don’t realise is that it is important to get all four wheels aligned on a modern vehicle.

We often get asked ‘Why should I get it done?’ and ‘surely this was set at the factory?’. The car was set up originally at the factory, but when it is driven on the road and hits potholes, mounts a curb or even goes over a speed bump, this causes stress on the vehicles suspension eventually resulting in these settings going out of tolerance.

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In extreme cases, the suspension can be damaged but failing to align all four wheels results in uneven and excessive tyre wear, unpredictable handling and an unpleasant ride & driving experience.

We would recommend having the four-wheel alignment checked on your Jaguar once a year. The process takes over an hour as adjustments have to be made, the vehicle driven and then checked again and adjusted if necessary.

The cost of carrying this out is offset against the savings made on tyre costs. Tyres on a correctly aligned vehicle will last considerably longer and that vehicle will be a lot safer to drive. You cannot put a price on safety.

We are able to carry out four wheel alignment using our own equipment and return your Jaguar to the correct factory settings.
